Made some good progress while Uncle Moe was in town. Completed the loft floor and wall, built the aluminum pans for the window installation and installed a water resistent wall in the utility room. Thanks alot Moe.
Since then, have mostly just been watching the snow build up. See photos. Really don't need a ladder anymore to get onto the roof.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Has been a while since last update for good reason. Really have not done that much. Working on plumbing, electrical and some interior items. Thanks to Louise (Renee's mom) for helping out with loft floor installation and pulling wire for the kitchen electrical. We also got all the soffit cedar material stained during one warm day (the only day that has been over 40 deg since November). Will start to install that as weather get s better (at least around freezing).
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Progress has slowed to a crawl over the holidays (somewhat intentional, some due to really cold temperatures). Plumbing and electrical contiues to get done. Garage Doors were installed on Dec 31st. Still need some decorative hardware but look pretty good. Wood on doors is same as siding will be on house (vertical on doors, horizontal on house). See photo.